Tithe and Offering

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Palm Sunday Service

  • MPC 1310 Ashman Street Midland, MI, 48640 United States (map)

Palm Sunday, April 13
9:00 & 10:45 a.m. Worship Services
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering Celebration

Join us on Sundays to worship in-person or by live stream on our Facebook page @MPCmidland or on our website www.mempres.org. Leave a comment so we know you worshiped with us!

Tithe and offerings may be mailed to the church, processed on our website www.mempres.org, or given on our private social medium called Realm. You can also text MEMPRES (and the amount) to 73256.

Prayer requests may be emailed to info@mempres.org.

Earlier Event: April 13
Palm Sunday Service
Later Event: April 16
PW Horizons Bible Study