Fundraiser event through ACT Uganda. For tickets, visit or email Dave at On August 13 and 20 between services, you may also purchase tickets from Dave in the lobby.
From ACT Uganda: “This year marks the 20th anniversary of ACT Uganda and we would love to have you celebrate with us at one of our fundraising dinners on September 8 in Midland or September 16 in Traverse City. Join us for an evening of an African-inspired dinner, hear from our Ugandan partners, and help ensure the future sustainability of ACT! It all started with a letter in April 2003 from a couple in Uganda who were looking for assistance in starting a non-profit organization to lift their home county (Muko Sub-County) out of poverty. Twenty years later, ACT has hundreds of volunteers in the USA (including volunteers from your congregation!) and Uganda, as well as seven paid staff in Uganda. We work together on six programs supporting agriculture, education, health promotion, music, and income opportunities for skilled artisans. Visit our website or email Dave Molzahn at for more information. HELP US CELEBRATE ACT UGANDA!”
This is part of our Cultural Conversations, a new presentation series that takes place on Friday evenings from August to November. Everyone is invited to learn more about recent global experiences and missional ministries happening throughout the life of our church:
August 11 • Crossings Film
August 25 • English Camp in the Czech Republic
September 8 • ACT Uganda’s 20th Anniversary & Fundraiser Dinner
September 29 • Forman Christian College in Pakistan
October 20 • Migrant Workers of the Philippines
November 3 • Niger Partnership