Sundays in Summer…..
Memorial Presbyterian is pleased to invite the Midland community to the new “Sundays in Summer” mini-recital series. Kicking off the series on June 20 is Adrienne Wiley performing favorites on organ and piano. Meet up with us again on July 18 to hear Megan Farison, soprano, and Dan Farison, tenor, bringing you their favorites, and lastly on August 15 to hear the MPC Staff.
The June 20 event will be live-streamed and viewers can go to (scroll down to “Worship at Home”) or on our Face Book page. July 18 and August 15 will be presented on the front lawn of Memorial Presbyterian Church of Midland: so bring your lawn chairs and snacks to enjoy two fun outdoor evenings of music!
The recitals start at 7:00 p.m. and will end by 7:30 p.m. What a GREAT way to stay connected to MPC and music!
Sunday’s in Summer
June 20 2021
7:00 p.m.
Adrienne Wiley, organ and piano
Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho arr. by Boud
My Lord, What a Morning setting by Callahan
The Entertainer arr. by Rawthorne
Melody for the Left Hand Hyde
Pro-Tem Suite Rofe
Chopin in the Citrus Belt Harris
Highland Cathedral setting by Callahan
What a Friend we Have in Jesus setting by Ore
Blessed Assurance arr. by Ham